Why choose Capital Neurosurgery?
Choosing a specialist practice can be a difficult decision. The skills of the doctors - while arguably the most important factor in the decision - is only one part of the whole patient experience. Our quality service to our patients and customers starts from your very first contact with our practice.
We believe what sets us apart from other practices is:
1. all of our staff are trained to a high level to be able to look after your needs efficiently and with knowledge and expertise
2. our practice nurse is available to patients free of charge before and after surgery to provide education and assistance
3. we have invested significant resources in having the most up to date technology and processes to make sure our communication with patients and doctors is of the highest standard
4. all of our staff believe it is a privilege to care for patients and everyone is treated with professionalism and respect
5. every referral received by our practice is triaged by our surgeons. This ensures that any urgent clinical conditions are treated within an appropriate timeframe and patients have the relevant tests done prior to their appointment. This saves patients time and money by reducing the number of appointments required to reach a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Capital Neurosurgery Core Values
Patients, staff and visitors experience courtesy and regard for their feelings, wishes and rights. We treat others in the manner that we wish to be treated ourselves. All staff in our team receive equal support, recognition and gratitude for their role in delivering quality care.
Our goal is to exceed patients’ expectations from their first interaction with the practice. Our doctors, nurse and administrative team strive to provide an exceptional patient experience from their initial enquiry through to their surgery and aftercare.
Our staff are highly trained to perform their roles with a great deal of expertise and efficiency as well as honesty and integrity. We promote a working environment of organisation and maximum productivity so that the majority of our time and resources are allocated to patient care.
The Capital Neurosurgery team are extremely responsive to all forms of communication, enquiries and referrals. An outstanding level of educational material is available to patients, families and healthcare providers. We communicate thoroughly and efficiently with the whole care team. The staff actively seek patient feedback to help us implement positive changes in the practice.
Through staff education, training and feedback from our patients, we are constantly improving our services and our work environment. Our surgeons utilise the most modern technology to improve patient safety and outcomes. Capital Neurosurgery prioritises professional development for all staff to maximise job satisfaction, encourage proactivity and embrace change.